njsg"jokin on rikki." no kiitos sanoma
» njsg tries to figure if this is salvageable somehow
njsgalso: is HS showing only two paragraphs because the article is paywalled, or is the text lazyloaded now...
njsg(two paragraphs without JS, with JS it blanks out)
njsgit does error on Promise.any but it's not the first error, I can't easily tell if that's related (well, no, if that's the trigger; the cause likely is poor error handling and lack of fallbacks)
njsg... in code from adobedtm.com
njsgno, that one is unrelated, it's probably the "Invalid time value". Example URL hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000011110705.html (this one, btw, appears fully without JS)
» njsg guesses the invalid value is another unhandled error, as in, the value is invalid because it's an error.
nsITobinanyone want to hack a browser onto thunderbird and just call it SeaMonkey?
nsITobindidn't think so :P
tommansmparsons.github.io/retroboy your daily Rust web blob of the day
tommanit never gets past "Loading..." on SM, but the console reports no errors
tommanit's a big fat blob of WASM, which is yet another fun blackbox
tomman(it should be a GameBoy emulator)
3 hours ago