MegaweaponAny solve to Startpage search plugin just taking you to their website now instead of giving results? They say they're no longer supporting this: addons.thunderbird.net/en-US/seamon…ddon/startpage-https-privacy-search
SompiI tried to investigate via the inspector how that Cloudflare's "Verify you are human" thing works, but it seems to be just an empty <div></div> element without any content
SompiAnd no JS errors in the console
tommandoes the box populates with an actual checkbox and stuff when you "inspect" the empt space?
tommanand yes, that thing apparently exploits a bunch of borderline JS and CSS crap
Sompinothing happens when I inspect it
Sompiit's just an empty div
Sompiand after a while it goes to debugger and the debugger says "TypeError: g[h][gL(...)] is not a function"
tommanOK, noticed something really screwy rearding that
tommanOpened a site that always trigger Clownflare's "you human?" challenge
tommanI get a white box where the checkbox should be, inspector tells me it's an empty <div> at the end
tommanhowever... the mere act of triggering the inspector there causes the checkbox to render. So far, so normal
tommantrying to inspect the actual checkbox and its friends... yield no results on the DOM tree!
tommanI mean, the Inspector can find the checkbox or its companion text or the Clownflare logo
tommanbut it fails to find anything on the document tree, and if you go back to the source view there.... the empty <div> is still empty, despite now having childrens!
tommanthat's... creepy
SompiMaybe the "checkbox" is really somewhere else and it shares the same absolute position with the empty div
tommanwhatever it does, it's confusing the inspector real badly
SompiI mean that it is somewhere else in the source tree but it has position:absolute;
SompiTry disabling CSS, maybe it jumps to somewhere else on the page
SompiI cannot get it to show the checkbox at all. Probably something with my IP
tommanare you using the release version, or a recent nightly?
tommancould be that then, I'm using the nightlies