njsgSompi: what was the current situation regarding images in Sanoma websites? I recently saw that there was a change, and they were now advertising only AVIF and WEBP for fingerpori (even though an older one (2009?) does show GIF?)
njsg(fingerpori at hesari)
» njsg doesn't really use the hesari website for much beyond the cartoons
SompiThey use whatever Google and Microsoft tell them to use
njsgyes, but is it working, failing, degrading? My experience is somewhat biased because of a noscript surrogate.
njsg(and also because scripts blocked with noscript)
njsgsadly they don't include the full image in the page metadata for embedding, or that'd have been an easy way to at least get it
njsgbut IÍ„'m guessing a single media item is rather the exception there :-)
SompiEverything is degrading and they call it progress
njsgthis calls for PROGRESSIVE JPEG.
frg_Awayhi nsITobin
nsITobinGood morning, I am just getting setup.
njsgPlease insert SETUP floppy 2 of 3 in drive B:
frg_Awayon the last coffee and need to leave soon for the afternoon
nsITobincentral queue qpushes fine.. configure passes so it's almost certainly fine unless thunderfox busted something else in the past day or so..
nsITobinbuild kicked off
nsITobinhave fun
nsITobinnjsg: let's split wim files across floppy disks that way we can install windows 7 from floppy
nsITobini wonder if wim will even split that small
nsITobinbuild successful
nsITobindoes someone know why chrome://browser/content/utilityOverlay.js maps to comm's copy?
nsITobin% override chrome://browser/content/utilityOverlay.js chrome://communicator/content/utilityOverlay.js
nsITobinyeah can't pull that on central.. utilityOverlay.js needs to be specific for what any ignorant platform consumer may use it for .. looks like devtools
4 hours ago