SompiThe newest version of Hexchat is just broken
nsITobini have a huge problem
SompiIt tries to make an encrypted connection when the server doesn't support it
SompiIf I remember correctly, XChat was turned into a spyware at some point...
nsITobinnot that I know of but various download sites are spyware bundling and delivery.. as a service
njsgSompi: maybe it was hosted on sourceforge, or was it a separate incident?
njsgokay, what did I do wrong this time... if I do a findbar text search in Navigator and select match case, it of course matches case
njsgif I dismiss the search and start a "find as you type" search, in this profile enabled, for links only, it opens the findbar and does show "(case sensitive)"
njsgbut if I try to search for an all-caps text which is on a link, it fails
njsg... ah, because that's an anchor but not a link. It puzzled me for a while.
4 hours ago