SompiThe newest version of Hexchat is just broken
nsITobini have a huge problem
SompiIt tries to make an encrypted connection when the server doesn't support it
SompiIf I remember correctly, XChat was turned into a spyware at some point...
nsITobinnot that I know of but various download sites are spyware bundling and delivery.. as a service
njsgSompi: maybe it was hosted on sourceforge, or was it a separate incident?
njsgokay, what did I do wrong this time... if I do a findbar text search in Navigator and select match case, it of course matches case
njsgif I dismiss the search and start a "find as you type" search, in this profile enabled, for links only, it opens the findbar and does show "(case sensitive)"
njsgbut if I try to search for an all-caps text which is on a link, it fails
njsg... ah, because that's an anchor but not a link. It puzzled me for a while.
tommanwonder how the "ceasefire/peace talks" between Moonchild and the Clownflare Browser Junta are going
tommanmy expectations are of zero and none, of course, just like Trump and Ukraine... but I've been starting blacklisting sites using Turnstile as those guarantee a insta-lockup here
nsITobinDonald J. Moonchild?
nsITobinyeah well
nsITobintomman: keep a list we can make an extension
nsITobini can't believe i didn't take over the world because I wasn't stupid enough
nsITobinthat is just a hard realization
nsITobinalso.. trump supporers.. final maga you can give them everything they say they want as offered and requested it wouldn't change anything let alone be enough
an hour ago