frg_AwayThat is why I took the sledgehammer and ported the library.
nsITobini mean I can't fault your logic it isn't like PART of Borealis didn't get refreshed from Pale Moon code same as SeaMonkey getting refreshed from Firefox code..
nsITobinrest well frg
tommanI HOPE that Orrible® starts asserting their JavaScript™ trademarks with their legendary packs of angry lawyers
tommansure, it would destroy the Chromeist webdev community overnight... and that will be AWESOME~!
nsITobinHow does oracle own JavaScript.. by all rights that SHOULD be owned by Verizon
tommanOf course it would also destroy software as we know it, as Orrible would try to assert copyright over every language ever, but hey, don't spoil my fun :D
tommanwhy Verizon?
nsITobinbecause version owns all netscape trademarks
tommanoh, I thought Microsoft now owned them
nsITobinand netscape .. specifically eich created javascript
tommanor was it Facebook?
nsITobinso how did oracle get it
tommanthe trademarks have been resold so many times...
tommanthe JS one they got it via Sun, which was the one that actually trademarked it
nsITobinhow does sun own Javascript
nsITobinjava != javascript
nsITobinWell.. shit
tommanjwz.org/blog/2019/03/brand-necrophilia-part-7 hmmm, you're right - Meta now owns the remnants of what was the Netscape corporation, except that the trademarks stayed at AOL
tommanbut how we went from AOL to Verizon? IIRC what went to Verizon was Yahoo aka Oath
tommanwtf, because Verizon DID acquired AOL in 2015, D'OH!
nsITobini can't find any record of a trademark registered for gecko
tommanand then they also acquired Yahoo, and that's where Oath merged
nsITobinor a dead one
tomman--came to be, by the merger of AOL and Yahoo
tomman...but even then Oath is not anymore a Verizon biz
tomman> On May 3, 2021, Verizon announced it would sell 90 percent of its Verizon Media division to Apollo Global Management for $5 billion. The division became the second incarnation of Yahoo! Inc.[7]
nsITobinthe netscape trademarks are owned by an AOL Services llc or something to that effect
tomman...OK, they still own a 10%, but the other 90% is some Wall Street capital management vultures
tommanso technically The New Yahoo owns AOL everything, which also includes the NSCP trademarks
tommanand the New Yahoo is "90% Apollo, 10% Verizon", built over the ashes of AOL and the original Yahoo and some Western Electric phones
tommanwhy USAian business have to be that convoluted!?
tommanAside: there is still a small bit of the original Yahoo still surviving: Yahoo Japan
nsITobinwhat happened to communism being the threat
nsITobintell me THAT
nsITobinit suddenly isn't anymore
tomman...well, shit - even Y! Japan is no more
nsITobinoh hell
tommanit's now LINE
tommanso for all practical purposes, Yahoo finally died in 2023
nsITobintomman: its all gone or corrupt.. time to wash it all way and rebuild it all
tommanwear gloves
nsITobinso remember my old mantra .. Pale Moon is not Firefox and never will be again?
nsITobinday and a half to make it Firefox 2/3ish
tommanreminds me of a meme at the long defunct Spanish version of Slashdot
nsITobinon a source level
nsITobini was full..
nsITobinof shit
Harzileintomman: running actual slashcode?
tomman"Barrapunto ya no es lo que era pero aun usa Debian" ("Spanish Slashdot is not what it used to be but still runs Debian"
tommanHarzilein: and a very VERY outdated version
Harzileinwhat was the name of that other more edgy slashcode instance...
tommanthe site finally bite the dust before the pandemic
Harzileinkuro5hin, right
Harzileinwas _that_ a slashcode instance?
Harzileinbarrapunto, nice :)
tommanyeah, it was mostly Spainards, tho
tommanand the local trolls really disliked Latin Americans posting there
tommanit was nowhere near of the cesspool that Slashdot became, but at times Barrapunto was an awkward place to be if you weren't from Spain
tomman(But then Slashdot is mostly USA anyway)
tommanAnyway, readership steeply declined in the early '10s, and so did contributors too
tommanat it worst point, it had one new post every month or so, instead of several times a day, and journals were largely abandoned too
tommanit finally died a silent death sometime before the pandemic
njsgI guess github is now hiding comments and activity in issues behind javascript?
njsgor maybe it's one of their transient issues and will be gone in a few hours...
nsITobinI think Windows Update has killed my NTLite'd LTSC 2019 its in an update install loop and I can do nothing
nsITobini mean even in the early days of nlite this was always possible but dang I sure had a good stretch of good luck doing it
therubethank you :-)
njsgnsITobin: are you sure it does not have crowdstrike software? :-P
tomman2025 and ClownStrike is still a thing, wow
tommanthe market works, it seems
nsITobinnjsg: i am pretty sure the update is in a failed loop because its trying to service something I removed and unlike MOST times it no longer is happy about it.. I have had this happen back in the XP days but of course XP either booted or it bluescreened.. windows 10.. can do lots more .. none of it useful like keep trying and failing to install the same update never allowing me to login
nsITobinCrowdStrike: We Stop Breaches with AI-native Cybersecurity
nsITobinAI .. IS a threat to Cybersecurity
njsgthe most I've seen has been NT 7.1 taking ages to install updates that would fail
njsgit seems sometimes this is because Windows Update lacks dependency management
nsITobinnjsg: nt kernel versions became meaningless with Windows 7
tommanI went to get some cash to that bank branch I visit say, 2, maybe 3 times a year
tommanthey're still using XP and IE8
tommando they even get an audit!?
tommanXP, IE8, and the theme service improperly disabled
nsITobinwell its properly disabled they just didn't set the gdi metrics and colors back
nsITobinonce UXTheme engages it will adjust the GDI metrics to accomidate the skin
tommanthey're still using Office 2007 for no good reason at all too
tommanI doubt MS is taking money from anyone these days to keep XP-era software alive for life
tommanand yet... this smallish Venezuelan bank defies all logic
njsgnsITobin: how else do I say "Windows 7 and Windows 2008R2"?
nsITobinnjsg: Good Windows
nsITobintho win2k is Great Windows
guestCtrl+C Ctrl+V works in latest FireFox the same as in previous version of SM 2.53.19 or earlier, e.g. duplicating a separator (or bookmark) works with CtrlC and CtrlV without moving the selection
njsgWindows 98 and NT 5.0 are offended :-P
nsITobinguest: An effort in the SeaMonkey Project has been to refresh the Places/Library (History and Bookmarks) code at least up to the point that Firefox started crippling features of it.. So some behavior changes and minor bugs are to be expected.
guestas written: in FireFox copy+paste is working but not in SM 2.53.20. The question is is this intended or a regression bug ?
njsgthis was were, bookmark/library window?
nsITobinguest: window or sidebar
nsITobinguest: logbot.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey/20250107#c14149-c14151 from last night
nsITobindoes that answer anything?
guestBookmarks side bar and Bookmarks Library Manager
frg_AwayI will take a look when I continue with the places porting
njsgI, uh...
guestit give a workaround but it does not explain whether a bug or by a design.
» njsg blinks
njsgI tried, it didn't paste, I used the context menu, it pasted, now c+v pastes too
guestfrg_Away : thank
guestcould you reproduce it ?
nsITobinfor everyone present.. Places == Library == History and Bookmarks (and kinda sorda but not really Downloads)
» njsg says debugging gets harder if you can't even establish clearly whether the version you're testing on is affected or not
guestnsgj: likely because the selection changed
frg_AwayCode is in the middle of 60 currently. 2.53.20 fixes a few other obscure copy and paste bugs but still needs some updates.
njsgguest: if the copied separator is selected, I can't paste, if a pasted selector is selected, I can paste more of them
guestnjsg: that's exactly what I've described.
guestfrg_Away: is it likely that in one of the next few versions of SM the sites are working better - e.g. live.com (web based microsoft mail) or msn.com ?
frg_AwayI need to finsh the js update then it will. No eta
3 hours ago